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“AMSAT” diagnostic system utilisation in the condition estimation of the organism at playing sports

Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor Ruev V.V.,
Doctor of Medical Science Udin B.D.
MPGU, Moscow, Russia.
МTC «KOVERT», Moscow, Russia.

Readiness of the sportsman for start, physical activities (trainings) is a readiness to pass from rest to work during the shortest time, to reach optimum working efficiency, to pass from one kind or one work intensity level to another, providing demanded quality of physical activity.

Application of AMSAT-KOVERT during day-to-day medical practice in Center of air crew rehabilitation

Professional flight activity is always a subject of extreme conditions that often provide serious influence on pilot’s organism with many adverse factors. Significant temperature and atmospheric pressure drops, vibration, hypokinesia, forced body position in the process of flights, considerable flight overloads during maneuvers , crash landings and etc. Such level of functional stress assists to formation of psycho-emotional stresses, provides occurrence of fatigue and exhaustion and consequently can develop vertebrogenic and somatic diseases.