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Results of the research conducted with the use of APK “AMSAT-KOVERT”

Analytical processing of the obtained results by APK “AMSAT-COVERT” implies zonal character of measurement of three-dimensional conductance on “large” leads which, according to electro-acupuncture diagnostic, includes the following leads: “forehead-forehead”, “arm - arm”, “leg-leg”, “forehead- arm ”, arm -leg”.
Taking into consideration the change of polarity of test-signal of “AMSAT-ROVERT”, the measurement is conducted on 22 leads, with leads from 1 to 14 being dominant and from 15 to 22 being additional crossed ones.


Examples of correspondence between some leads and the main target organs:


Forehead left – arm left

Tonsils, paranasal sinus, brain, heart, cervical spine and segments of spinal cord.
2 Arm left – forehead left
3 Left leg - right leg Organs of urogenital system, rectum, lumbosacral part of a spine.
4 Leg right - leg left Organs of urogenital system, rectum, lumbosacral part of a spine.

*Full list of the organs and systems included in the leads can be found in the context reference to the graph “Deviation factor” of 'AMSAT-COVERT”.

Recommendations on analytical processing of the results of examination by “AMSAT-COVERT” enable to make an analysis of a functional state of both an organism on the whole and its separate parts and systems. The analysis of functional state of an organism (organs and systems) is conducted by two ways:

• static observation – detection of functional state of the organism (its organs and systems) in statics while carrying out a specific measurement;
• dynamic observation – detection of functional state of the organism (its organs and systems) in dynamics while carrying out load tests as well as in dynamic on the dates of the measurement.
The analysis of the examination results, both in statics and dynamics, can be carried out step by step:
 at the first stage the functional state of the organism is estimated on the whole;
 the second stage includes estimation of functional state of the systems;
 at the third stage estimation of functional state of the organs is made;
 at the forth stage medical conclusion and recommendations are made.

Modes of measurements and presentation of the examination results


Измерения в режиме "статика"



Estimation of functional state of an organism on the whole.
For estimation of functional state of an organism on the whole a linear and circular diagram are used.
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Измерения, проводимые в режиме "динамика"


Dynamic mode is intended for quantitative and qualitative estimation of changes in organs and systems of the organism following any influence (drugs, physiotherapy, physical and psycho-emotional stress, professional and ecological factors, etc.) in any time interval.

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