APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» is intended for graphic prenosological
topical express-diagnostics of the functional state of a man.
The operation of APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» is carried out by means of measuring electric transients in the bio-active areas of the skin and their further analysis by the program for the personal computer, that enables integrally and differentially to get quantitative and qualitative descriptions of the processes in the organism of a man.
The basic purpose of APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» is to find organs and systems of organs with abnormal function, and also organs and systems with the broken somatic-vegetative regulation. Basic principle of APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» operation is measuring of electric conductivity of internal environment of the organism and its dynamics in time.
APK “AMSAT-KOVERT” contains the system of electric signal processing, which automatically scans 11 consequent areas of biologically active zones of the skin of the head, body and extremities by impulses of positive and negative polarity (22 leads) with regulated frequency of measuring (pic 1). The test-signal applied to a patient in the process of examination is physiological for a human organism.
In the algorithm of the program APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» the principle of metameric organization of an organism in neurophysiological unity of segment levels of spinal cord, proper areas of the skin (dermatom), muscles (myotome), bone-ligament elements (sclerotome) and internals (viscerotom) is realized. Precise locality in reflection of the internals on the skin is possible due to somatotopia at all levels of central nervous system.

Principle of somatotopia, used to measure electric transients, enables to get information of topical and qualitative character. The use of the system of leads allows to judge about the functional state of organs, systems of organs and organism on the whole.
The electric signals obtained by the measurement device are passed into a computer and then in a subsystem of diagnostics, where on the basis of the set of determinant mathematical rules, put up in the knowledge base of APK «AMSAT-KOVERT», recognition of the image of the state of a patient is produced. Then the information is passed in subsystem of decision making where the analysis of electro-physiological indexes (EI) of BAZ of the skin and degree of their abnormality from permissible physiological scopes of norm are analyzed and the results are presented as phantoms (computer visual appearances of organs and systems).
The received information is presented on a computer screen as text and graphic and can be printed. The use of computer graphic enables to show on the “phantom” of a patient organs and tissues according to their degree of abnormality form the norm.
In APK “AMSAT-KOVERT” a controllable (on different criteria) process of measurement of EI of BAZ of the skin is used.
Complete set of AMSAT-KONVERT

1. Block for signal processing
2. Hand electrodes
3. Frontal electrodes with a cuff
4. Foot electrodes
5. Complete set of connecting wires for electrodes (three pair cables with headers)
6. Program (installer) on a compact disk (CD)
7. Imitator for control of the block for signal processing
8. Spare cuff (isn't shown in the picture)
9. Set for electrode cleaning (isn't shown in the picture)
10.Interface cable (isn't show in the picture)
11. Container for the system transportation (isn’t shown in the picture)
Structurally the instrumental part of APK «AMSAT-KOVERT» is made as a measuring block and system of electrodes. The body of the measuring block is made of metal and plastic. The circuitry of the instrumental part is made on a circuit boards with the use of SM D-components. The circuit boards of the measuring block are fastened to the foundation of the device body by screws and bars. On the front panel of the block there is an indicator of switching the device on, 10-segment indicator of the level of measuring current and three-color indicators of lead commutation. On the front panel there are 6 ports for linking up the connecting wires of the electrodes. On the back panel there is a USB port for linking up a connecting cable to a computer.