Measurements and presentation of the results of the examination in STATIC modeThe first stage: Estimation of functional state of the organism on the whole. For estimation of functional state of the organism on the whole a linear and circular diagrams of deviation factor are used.
Deviation factor is an integral index, including primary data (got as a result of the measurements) on each lead, processed by a special mathematical algorithm . In “AMSAT-KOVERT” the type of functional state of the organism (its organs and systems) is determined on the basis of qualitative and quantitative characteristics in accordance with a scale of functional state of the organism, the following types of functional state being assigned:
1. Type of functional optimum:
2. Hyper-functional type of the state of the organism: deviation factors of all leads are within hyper-functional abnormalities. There can be variants with prevalence of moderate abnormalities, evident abnormalities and combination of abnormalities with different degree of intensity.
Estimation of functional state of the systems of the organism is conducted on the basis of linear and circular diagram “Systems of the organism”
“AMSAT-KOVERT” enables to make analysis of all systems of a human organism (further there given some examples of systems and organs, you can see a full list in a context reference to the system “AMSAT-KOVERT”)
The definition of the type of functional state of the systems is carried out similar to definition of the functional state of the organism. Qualitative characteristic of functional state of the systems is represented by a color scale , which enables to define a type of disfunctions in different systems, while quantitative characteristic is expressed by numerical data, appearing when double clicking with a left mouth key on graphical image of a corresponding system of the organism.
2. “Skeleton-topical analysis” phantom represents estimation of functional state of a spine, spine-motor segments, localization, degree of compensation and the intensity of the revealed changes.
3. “Segment innervation of the skin” phantom gives characteristic of functional state of spinal structures, that is radicular apparatus of a spinal cord and skin segments topically related to it, with a possibility to reveal radicular asymmetry.
4. “Neural sensibility” phantom provides information about functional state of neural plexus and their branches, that is to say represents changes at neural level.
5. “Visceral analysis” phantom characterizes the state of the viscera on the basis of their segment somatic and vegetative efferent innervation. One organ doesn't appear to be sufficient to perform some functions of the organism, so complexes of organs (that is systems) appear.
6.“Teeth” phantom characterizes functional state of teeth-jaw system and its correlation with segment apparatus of a spinal cord.
Quantitative characteristic of every zone of the current phantom can be received by activating the key “List of zones”.
With the aim to control the effectiveness of the instituted therapy the doctor can recommend one more computer examination and fix the date of it in every concrete case. |