Dynamic mode is intended for quantitative and qualitative estimation of changes in organs and systems of the organism following any influence (drugs, physiotherapy, physical and psycho-emotional stress, professional and ecological factors, etc.) in any time interval.
The analysis of the changes of state of the organism is conducted on the basis of linear and circular diagrams of deviation factor, phantoms and risks. The linear diagram of deviation factor shows the difference between two selected visits of each lead , circular diagram of deviation factor represents overlapping of the diagrams of the two selected visits and phantoms show the result of comparison the indexes of the two visits in the following color diagram, the intensity of color indicating a degree of change of state of organs and systems: while color indicates lack of changes, red tints indicate deterioration of state of organs and systems (negative dynamic), blue tints testify amelioration of state of organs and systems (positive dynamic).

“Risk” histogram shows an average index of deviation factor of all
visits of a certain patient and enables to make a preliminary conclusion concerning changes of functional state over the whole period of the patient observation.

One of the most informative and reliable options of dynamic observation is the possibility to carry out functional probes with a dosed test load, which is chosen randomly and depends on the aim. One of the principle differences of “AMSAT-KONVERT” express-diagnostics from the other systems is that it enables to perform a single measurement only for 17-30 seconds and reveal an instant reaction of the whole organism on test-load (if to conduct this experiment on the other known systems, it takes, as minimum, by 1-2 number exponent more, that makes reliability and value of the received information much worse). It is this mode of testing that has given a medical man an absolutely new extremely sensitive instrument of the research of “fine” processes in the organism and even required to introduce some new for medical men terminology.
Any loading test in carried out in three phases:
• phase of general examination – original state;
• phase of reaction (examination immediately following the impact on the organism) – response of the organism on the impact demonstrating the ability of the organs (groups of organs) to change their original functional state under the influence of loading tests;
• rehabilitation phase – examination after physiological indexes of the organism have returned to their initial (original) indexes, registration ability of the organ (groups of organs) to return to its initial state or improve it after the reaction.
The results of a loading test are represented as quantitative characteristics of a reserve potential and ability of a human organism to rehabilitate after an adequate load (the comparison of a base and loading, base and control measurements).
The following variants of human organism reaction to a testing load (probe) are possible:
• Positive dynamic (amelioration).
• Negative dynamic (deterioration).
• Lack of dynamic (without changes).
Other capabilities of the system
“Database”. “Database” sub-menu combines the functions of operating with database, such as: “Patient search”, “Database statistics', “Risk Groups”, “Password setting”, “Data backup” and “Database regeneration”.
“Patient search”. This command can be made by two ways: through the main menu and by simultaneous pressing the keys ALT+ F7. Then there is offered a pattern of 3 asterisks, divided by dots, the first asterisk being for family name search; the second – for name and the third for middle name search. A patient can be searched using one of the patterns or some of them combined. For example, if it is needed to find a patient with a family name IVANOV, it is enough to enter letters IVA and the family name IVANOV with indication to a database and the date of his visit will appear on the monitor.
“Database statistics”. In this mode scanning of all databases starts. The number of the male and female patients, the quantity of the patients with one-time, two and more visits and the number of specific measurements are counted up. The whole process of scanning is accompanied by histogram construction. The histogram conditionally reflects the ratio of the counted -up values. If the option “ Operating with the current database” is included in “configuration”, one current base statistics are got . If this option is excluded, all database statistics are got. If the access to some database is blocked by a password, such database isn't scanned and its information isn't available.
“Risk group”. This mode enables to distribute automatically all patients of one current database or all databases in 5 groups. The groups are gradated from the norm to maximum anomaly, that is from 0 to 100%. It is used to expose common tendencies of the health change of groups of patients, enterprise staff, sportsmen, etc., which are revealed by selection criterion. It is possible to calculate simultaneously many patient data by the same algorithms. This distribution allows to expose patients with the worst results and estimate their quantity for mass event arranging.
When the procedure is over, it is possible to look through the report, where firstly a group's name appears, secondly a patient's family name, then an exact value of the overall indication of anomaly and finally a database where the information about this patient is stored. All patients are sorted out according to a deterioration degree of the overall indication.
“Password”. These functions enable to set a password to certain databases with a name chosen by you or as a word or the set of numbers. A password is needed to prevent an unauthorized access.
“Backup copy”. There are two sub-menus: “Database saving” and “Database reconstruction”. It is recommended to back up a database regularly (at least once per month). In case the working database (installed on hard disk) is damaged due to some reason, it is necessary
to restore it with the help of a backup copy.
“Database regeneration” provides refreshment of the information about all patients, stored in database. Besides, in case of information loss, the rest information is restored. This function is used in case of transient error of database or computer operation or when the database is transferred from one computer to another by simple file copying.
The program can be installed on different computers and measurements can be carried out independently even on different sets of the equipment and database files can be transferred from one computer to another. After each transfer the mode of base regeneration should be selected so as to visualize the transferred files.